Lets Talk KPIs: Instagram & Facebook Ad ReportingDo you use key performance indicators (KPIs) to track your business’s digital advertising performance? KPIs are necessary to include in...
Marketing Consultants... What Are They?If your business needs a little help getting the word out about your products or services, hire a marketing consultant to step in and...
The Best FREE Digital Marketing CertificationsCollege degrees are important, of course, but you can learn a lot (maybe more) about marketing with all the digital marketing...
Buyer Personas: How Not to Waste MoneyHave you ever thought, “I wish I could read my customers’ minds and see what exactly they want”? While a buyer persona won’t turn you...
What Is Affiliate Marketing?The rise of influencer marketing and social media as a whole, has made it easier than ever for brands to connect with their customers—but...
Don't Make This Facebook Ad Targeting Mistake!Sure, Facebook ads can really help a business, but ads are a complex and ever-changing beast of a marketing tactic. Missteps are common...
An SEO Checklist for Entrepreneurs51% of all website traffic comes from organic search. So people type what they want into search engines to go directly to a website to...
Marketing Terms: 55 of Our FavsHave you ever tried reading a blog about the latest and greatest in digital marketing, only to think, “... huh?!” We love the industry...